Monday, May 10, 2010

Archangel Gabriel - Angel of Annunciation

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Serving as a messenger from God, Archangel Gabriel is best known for his role in announcing to the Virgin Mary the upcoming birth of her son Jesus. It is Gabriel who is often portrayed in classical art with Mary, conveying to her the miraculous news and offering his angelic guidance and protection.

Archangel Gabriel in The Christian Bible

In the Bible, it is Gabriel who is referenced in Luke 1:28 announcing to Mary: "Hail, thou that art highly favoured, the Lord is with thee: blessed art thou among women." Further, Gabriel also appeared to the shepherds near Bethlehem, announcing the nativity.

Gabriel is also credited with appearing to Zachariah to reveal the future birth of his son, John the Baptist. "I am Gabriel, " quotes Luke 1:19, "I stand in the presence of God, and am sent to speak unto thee, and to shew thee these glad tidings." Because of his old age and the fact that his wife Elizabeth was barren, Zachariah initially refused to believe the angel's announcement and it is written that he was struck dumb until the day of the birth of his son.

Archangel Gabriel in Other Faiths

Gabriel is also celebrated in other faiths. Islam believes that this angel was the messenger who dictated the Koran to Muhammad over a period of 23 years. Gabriel is mentioned in scriptures of the Baha'i Faith, and is said to have spoken to many prophets. Because Gabriel serves as a communicator between heaven and earth, Catholics celebrate his role as Patron Saint of broadcasters, diplomats and messengers. Holy cards of this Archangel are prominent in the marketplace, along with novena candles and holy oils, for practices of prayer and devotion.

A Special Archangel for Mothers-To-Be

Because he foretold the births of Jesus and John the Baptist, mothers-to-be often pray to Gabriel during their pregnancies, seeking his blessings and preparing the way for the birth of their child. It is said that when mothers-to-be are pure of heart, Gabriel can reveal to them details about the soul they are to give birth to and the soul's God-given purpose on earth.

The Passion and Resurrection of Jesus

Christians further believe that Gabriel was present during Christ's arrest in the Garden of Gethsemane, disguised as a 'mysterious young man'. It is also believed that it was Gabriel who rolled away the stone from the tomb of Jesus and gave the news of the resurrection to the holy women seeking the whereabouts of their Lord.

The Sacred Trumpet

Gabriel is often portrayed blowing a trumpet or with trumpet in hand. Some believe that Gabriel will blow this sacred horn to announce the Second Coming. Others believe that Gabriel contains the keys to the knowledge of relative good and evil and the works of the fallen angels, and that his trumpet will sound on the Day of Judgment.

Archangel Gabriel's Messages for Today's World

Archangel Gabriel remains very close to our world today, giving messages of comfort and guidance to those who seek his wisdom. On November 7, 2008, Archangel Gabriel spoke through the messenger David C. Lewis:

When you hold a focus for the archangels and archeiai of hope, all come forth and can manifest the crystal awareness of their beings on your behalf. And therefore as you pray your rosaries and give your calls to the archangels and to the angels of light in our bands, see the crystalline structure of the New City descending from above. And you may even deliver the alchemy of the touch of hope through wielding this new sword of light on our behalf to crystallize that of the new and holy city, truly the New Jerusalem, the new peace, that can manifest upon earth through the hearts of those whose vision is clear, whose lives are in order, in whom there is a certain balance and equipoise of the spirit flowing continuously.

Learn more about Archangel Gabriel and other ascended masters and their teachings through our website listed below.

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