Sunday, May 9, 2010

The Buddha of Fearlessness

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The Five Dhyani Buddhas or meditation Buddhas are icons that represent different aspects of enlightened consciousness. One of these Five Wisdom Buddhas is Amoghasiddhi, whose name has many meanings: He Whose Accomplishment is Not in Vain, Almighty Conqueror, He Who Unerringly Achieves his Goal, Infallible Success, Unfailing Power or the Buddha of Fearlessness.

Practical Wisdom

Amoghasiddhi is the Buddha that represents the practical implementation of the wisdom of the other four in this mandala. His actions of fearlessness are said to pacify the evils of envy and jealousy. With this Buddha, these human emotions are transmuted into the positive action of accomplishment and fulfillment upon the spiritual path. It is said that by his very presence terror, fear and anxiety are destroyed.


In the traditional mandala of the Five Dhyani Buddhas, Amoghasiddhi is usually colored green and is associated with the air or wind element. His season is summer and his heavenly quarter is in the north. Amoghasiddhi is often depicted raising his right hand in a gesture we in the west might interpret as stop, but in Buddhist tradition it is called Abhaya and represents his association with fearlessness, or no danger.

The emblem of this Buddha is the crossed double vajra, which represents the highest understanding of truth. The vajra is a traditional Buddhist implement used in ritual who name means thunderbolt or scepter of the lama.


Amoghasiddhi has been worshipped in the Buddhist tradition from about 500 B.C. to the present. Amoghasiddhi is sometimes depicted accompanied by two garudas, mythical figures half-man and half-bird, symbolizing man moving into a new awareness or higher consciousness. In other representations, he is accompanied by his consort, Tara, whose name means Noble Deliverer or Noble Star The mantra of Amoghasiddhi is OM AMOGHASIDDHI AH.

Traditional Story

In the Buddhist tradition, it is said that the cousin of the Buddha Amoghasiddhi, Devadatta, was very jealous of the enlightened one. His jealousy was so severe he launched a plot to murder the Buddha by unleashing a wild elephant into his path. However, when the elephant actually approached the Buddha, the meditating master raised his palm in the Abhaya mudra and the animal immediately became calm.

Messages from Amoghasiddhi for Today's World

In a message entitled "A Vision Quest for the New Age" given on December 20, 2006, Amoghasiddhi reveals teachings about the spiritual importance of light and illumination:

The nature of light you must know. The qualities of illumination's ray you must bestow upon many more through teaching, through sharing something of who you are as a God Being. Unless and until you have manifested a certain awareness within you of holy wisdom's fires, there cannot be the transfer heart to heart and mind to mind of this flame of illumination. And therefore, take up the calling of becoming the studious ones who not only tune into the word of cosmic reason but having discovered the seed of that light within the Word and allowed it to sprout and fully manifest within your consciousness, you can then pick the ripe fruits of your own development of spirituality and share them with brother and sister here and there across the Earth.

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