Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Do Not Be Afraid, Christian - A Story Giving Perspective

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Are you a Christian who struggles with anxiety and fear? Here's a story that gives a perspective that apparently God thought we needed to hear.

Imagine yourself in these people's position! King Saul was with an army of two thousand foot soldiers, and his son Jonathan commanded an army of a thousand. Trouble was brewing, so Saul summoned more men from all Israel. Then a Philistine army of six thousand charioteers (two per chariot) and foot soldiers "as numerous as the sand on the seashore" marched forth and camped not far from Saul and Jonathan. Saul and the Philistines were enemies. A battle was inevitable.

How would you feel with those odds? The Israelite soldiers in Saul's army hid, escaped, and deserted until about six hundred were left. But it got worse. The Philistines had previously exercised ancient "weapons control" on the Israelites, so at that point, not a soldier with Saul and Jonathan had "a sword or spear" (1 Samuel 13:22)--only Saul and Jonathan had swords. Even if there were only six thousand Philistine foot soldiers, there would have been twenty armed Philistines for every unarmed Israelite soldier. No wonder "all the

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