Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Oneness - When is One More Than Two?

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Duality has two parts that are either opposed to each other, or complement each other. We all have experienced duality in one way or another throughout our lives and know about things such as polarity, positive and negative, yin and yang, male and female. We have heard how important it is to have balance in our lives and have heard about moderation in all things. It has been the nature of humanity to be dualistic, having opposing views and beliefs about everything under the sun.

Oneness is the quality of being unique and united, joining together to be one as opposed to many. The realization that we have more in common than we have differences has become commonplace all over the world and is occurring with greater frequency than has ever happened before. This shift has come to many who have awakened to the realization that their hearts are more than the beating organ in their chest cavity. People are becoming consciously aware of the divine energy that is becoming increasingly abundant, especially as we get closer to the year 2012.

Individuality or being separate from others used to be very important, but more and more people are coming to realize that there is more to this existence than being unique and different. Our differences and self interests do not and cannot define who and what we are, but rather it is by finding out our similarities that we can begin to unite as one. The blending together of our collective similarities create the conscious realization that we are indeed more precious and powerful, united as one, than we are when we are two.

And so it is that one plus one is not two, but is indeed one, and it is this experience of oneness that humankind has longed for and searched for, for millennia. This shift in consciousness is happening all over the world because the fact remains that we all are one, and are just now able to comprehend this truth. How then does the individual become consciously aware of the oneness that they are and the oneness that we are?

The journey into oneness only requires that we look within our heart and observe. When we quiet the mind we will soon be able to tune into our higher self. Close your eyes and observe your thoughts, and as you do, ask yourself, who or what is producing these thoughts and where do they come from. Who is it that is observing these thoughts? You are not your mind, or the thoughts that it generates. You are not your emotions or the feelings that they generate. You are the observer, the real you, the one that can experience the divinity of oneness.

After quieting the mind and waking up to who and what you are, you can begin to distinguish between the thoughts that your mind produces and the inspiration you receive from your higher self. Ask to know your purpose, ask to know the divinity of oneness, ask to be more aware of your higher self and ask to experience the oneness that we are.

This shift is creating a new type of human; we are evolving and the changes that are taking place on this planet and in ourselves are truly amazing. That will be discussed in another article at another time and possibly another place. Stay tuned to oneness frequency for more great changes and possibilities.

James Bryan


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