Monday, April 26, 2010

Guardian Angels - Past and Present

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A long-held belief is that a guardian angel is assigned to a particular person for protection and guidance, working specifically on their behalf. Belief in these angels can be traced far back in history. The hierarchy of angels was developed in the Christian church in the 5th century and has undergone many refinements since then.

Belief in guardian angels was common in ancient Greece, and even mentioned by Plato in his writings. References to them also appeared in early Zoroastrianism and Judaism. However, the Old and New Testament have become the major sources of information.

In the Old Testament, Psalm 91 states: "For he shall give his angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy ways." In the New Testament book of Matthew 18:10, Jesus says, referring to the children, "Take heed that ye despise not one of these little ones; for I say unto you, that in heaven their angels do always behold the face of my Father which is in heaven." The Christian St. Jerome wrote: " great the dignity of the soul, since each one has from his birth an angel commissioned to guard it."

Christian mystics and Catholic saints have reported their interactions with their guardian angels. In other religions, the personal angel is often matched with a personal demon. In Islam, the belief is that two angels reside on the shoulders of humans, recording their deeds, good and bad. Guardian angels have also been referenced in literature, especially in medieval and Renaissance times, when morality plays were popular.

Modern spirituality also supports a belief in angels and specifically the guardian angel. Many stories have appeared, especially from children, of their seeing or being saved by their angel. In many cases, the adult does not witness the appearance of the angel but witnesses the child being saved from a threatening accident.

Belief varies as to whether individuals can contact their personal guardian angel. Many do believe, however, that God and his angels are present in our lives and through prayer and meditation, you can call upon your guardian angel for assistance and protection.

Rose Greenwood is a freelance writer specializing in spirituality and natural health. For more information about St. Thomas More and other ascended masters see To purchase books, CD's, DVD's, art, and more, please visit

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