Thursday, July 15, 2010

Spiritual Practices to Empower Abuse Survivors

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Abuse survivors may have a hard time believing in God or belonging to organized religion. Yet having a spiritual practice helps survivors heal. Explore practices that bring you a sense of hope and well-being.

1. Yoga. A yoga practice involves the whole body, mind, and spirit. Abuse experiences affect individuals at a cellular level. The yoga movements and positions help the body to heal at a cellular level. Practicing the deep breathing that is taught in yoga enables your whole body to receive a better supply of oxygen. At other times when flashbacks occur, doing deep breathing overcomes feelings of terror and empowers your body to move rather than to become frozen.

2. Praying. For me praying does not necessarily involve words. In fact, some of my most profound periods of praying are resting in the stillness of God's presence. One night when I was too scared to use my own words, and I was experiencing a flashback, I stilled my sense of terror by turning to the sacred presence. At such times, it matters not whether you actually sense the presence of the Holy One, only that you turn your focus there. To my surprise the words to the Lord's Prayer popped into my mind, but there was a difference. Word by word, phrase by phrase, with pauses in between, NEW WORDS, came. Similar experiences continued over a few years. All-in-all there were more than 75 prayers which were given to me by the Holy Spirit. These prayers profoundly influence my spirituality and my inner healing.

3. Meditate on sacred scripture. I find the Bible to be inspirational. I take a small passage and read slowly, several times, paying attention to which words draw my attention. I write the word or phrase in my journal. The following queries you may find helpful in responding to the scripture through writing in your journal: What is the author trying to say? What is the nature of God? What do you experience?

4. Participate in worship services. Do you need to find a worshipping community in which you feel comfortable? where you feel free to worship? Perhaps you will find this in your own faith tradition. Perhaps you need to look elsewhere.

5. Walk a labyrinth. A labyrinth is a winding path that circles into the center. Unlike a maze, a labyrinth has no dead ends. Compose yourself at the entrance to the labyrinth. What is your intention for walking into the sacred center? Do you have a question? a prayer? Do you want to walk, and see what comes to you. In the center, stop and sit down or kneel. Listen to the presence of God. You will know when it is time to leave, then walk out slowly being thankful for blessings. Remember afterwards to write in your journal.

6. Go to a spiritual retreat for survivors. There you will experience community. You will be given opportunities to experience guided meditation, prayer, and self-affirmation.

Abuse survivors who want to be spiritually empowered have many opportunities. In this article, I've only named a few. You will find that having a living spirituality will generate inner healing. I know because I'm an abuse survivor and my spirituality has saved my life.

Judy Brutz is author, spiritual director, retreat leader and speaker. She lives in Idaho with her family, and enjoys nature, knitting for peace, and volunteering.

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Union With The Divine

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! Our concepts of God and our relationship with the Divine are not all identical. However, we all tend to share an essential idea that to raise our consciousness and contact with some greater life and light will help us experience greater spiritual Consciousness and through that contact become ourselves transformed and magnified in understanding.

If we entertain strong spiritual faith, it is natural to long for a heightened experience of consciousness in realisation and confirmation of our beliefs. If we are exploring, without any preconceptions, in order to discover spiritual realities, both inside ourselves and outside in the greater world, we look forward to every new sense of awareness of the subtleties of life that our developing sensitivity will permit.

It is an integral part of human nature to aspire to understand and to establish a conscious link with our Source. Some have experienced a supreme spiritual experience spontaneously, often in difficulties and often without any apparent stimulus. However, it is by use of our free will and by direct personal willingness in our attitude towards spiritual expansion that we can consciously direct our being toward the Power and Universal Intelligence of our Maker.

Some of us see the Divine as the Great Creative Fire, and consider ourselves as little sparks of that same element.... and are likely to experience accordingly....

"As from a glowing fire, kindred sparkles come forth thousand-fold,
So from the Eternal, manifold beings are born and return also." Manduka Upanishad

Others conceive God as the Divine Ocean of Life and themselves as a mere droplet of that same element of water, affirming the beautiful merging with that great element....

"The dewdrop slips into the shining sea...." Light of Asia - Sir Edwin Arnold

Some people consider themselves as part of all life which is manifest. To live in perfect harmony in the outwardly manifested natural world is their wish.

Others cherish the thought of spiritual brotherhood with all other human beings and long to experience unity of spirit in a sense of associated group identity.

Those who believe that the Divine is Supreme Love may yearn to identify themselves with this Greater love. In devotion they may seek to free themselves from the limitations of personal emotion to find a new identity as part of the eternal heartbeat of Divine and Infinite Love pervading all natural life.

We must give to others what we claim for ourselves - respect for spiritual matters and the essential privacy that is attendant to an individual's approach to this most important and sacred relationship with our Creator. We may differ in our chosen manner of spiritual communing, whether we choose to meditate alone or in group meditation, prayer, church service, or in religious rituals.

By whatever way we choose, meditation and prayer are inherent, helping us to arrive at a state of stillness and receptivity of both the body and the mind when we will be reminded that it is by an expansion of our Love that allows us to experience union of any kind, whether with fellow humans, with nature around us, or with the Divine.

Sally Janssen is a writer, and Yoga teacher well known both in Australia and abroad for her skill in demonstration of the Hatha Yoga practices and her wisdom in applying the principles of Raja Yoga -the study of the mind and consciousness. More details at
Her book "Mental Fitness: A Complete Self-help Guide" explains the principles of mental fitness that can be applied by us all. The book may be found here:

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Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Opportunities Are Boundless in the Physical and Spiritual World

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It would be fair to say that this message will apply to all of you, yet we already know that for those who need it the most, denial and resistance will be your mode of mentality. God created a universe with all the tools necessary for every person to feel radiant love. Opportunities are boundless. Love descends from all around, giving you a chance to feel absorbed in the very essence of His love for you.

That said, people will almost always fight their destiny. It is the hardest way to live a physical life. We say this because it leaves you sending a message of distrust to the Divine powers. You are saying that you would much rather stay in what feels comfortable to you, rather than to embrace and explore the newness of grandeur that Spirit wants to give you. Those who deny us are the ones who continue to stay entrenched in limiting patterns of behavior. You are held back by a fear of love and happiness, instead of motivating yourself to accept that some other way of living might be better then the current path you are following. Ultimately, you end up hurting yourself the most, but you also leave a wake of broken souls along the way. That sentence is not meant to make you feel guilty, but to get you to understand the truth within your own buried subconscious ideas and actions.

Spirit is your parachute to safe landings. Do you think we would send promising choices to you without staying around to help you through the uncomfortable times that your new journey might bring? Of course not! Like the invisible spring zephyrs that gently make the new flowers dance without trying, we also are doing our best to make your heart and soul dance. It is you who needs to step away from your overly analytical ways. Enjoy the life that others can instill in you. It is alright to make changes when you know you are not in a place you want to be. Let the Trinity be your tourist guide. At least give us the chance to show you how wonderful new things and people can be. Check your worries and fears at the door of God. Let us be the ones to take the burden from you.

You will always have choices in life. It is part of the human process; part of the Creation. Spirit only wants you to be honest with yourself in very deep levels. This is the way that you can absorb the miraculous feeling of being with someone or doing things that make you feel like you are in an enchanted storybook version of your own life. Stray away from all the excuses of why you cannot break the bonds that hold you back! If you were not meant to explore more of life, then new possibilities would not present themselves to you. Seek contentment as though it is warm robe made of angelic kisses. These are The Spoken Words of Spirit.

Jim Fargiano can be reached on Facebook and Twitter, but most easily through his website at: He is a widely recognized leader in spirituality and posts messages he receives from the other side almost everyday. Short quotes will be on the fan page for The Spoken Words of Spirit on Facebook, as well as on his home page. Longer messages can be read at If you are serious about improving your outlook on life, then take advantage of the opportunities Jim provides.

Life is best lived when we share insights to inspiring words and deeds with each other.

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The Secret of the Universe - The Law of Attraction and a Power Greater Than Myself

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It took me about half of my life, until I was 50 years old, to really understand that there is a power greater than myself. I believe I always knew that our world our universe does have a definite purpose. That their is something or someone that has a master plan for all living beings. I can feel this power when I make it to the top of a mountain after a strenuous climb, while standing on my skis in 2 feet of fresh powder watching the snow crystals twinkle through the trees in the sunlight, and when I'm in the surf feeling the power of the crashing waves. I am typically full of adrenaline from the physical activity that put me in these places. My mind is clear due to my concentration and the view is amazing, an ah-ha moment. At this moment I can feel the power of the universe, I know that there is a power greater than myself.

I believe my clarity came to me from my ongoing study of personal development. Many of the authors I have read and the speakers I have listened to talk about this power. Is it a secret like the movie The Secret wants us to believe? I don't think so. There are no great secrets, merely just a belief that there are. So what else is there? Being of a scientific background, I like to believe in what Wallace D. Wattles, in the Science of Getting RICH refers to as the "thinking STUFF." Simply put, there is this stuff that fills all the space of the universe and when we put a thought into the universe the thinking stuff produces what we have thought. This makes complete sense if you understand quantum mechanics and the theory of quantum physics.

Napoleon Hill in his book Think and Grow Rich talks about a money making secret in his thirteen chapters on the subject. Both Wattles and Hill keep coming back to the way you think. Not just thinking any old thoughts and hoping they come true, but thinking in a certain way. What does this "thinking in a certain way" really mean? I believe it is something everyone has the capability to do, however, it takes a conscious effort to be successful at it. In others words we can train our subconscious mind to think in a certain way and when we are faced with a choice (like every moment of our life) we will make the choice that will bring us closer to what we think we want (subconscious or conscious thought). Thinking in a certain way is just merely understanding that we are always faced with choices and by regularly making the right choices we become closer to what we want and envision for ourselves. This is much easier said than done. Our subconscious mind regularly will take over and we fall into conditioned or learned behavior.

One of my favorite authors on the subject of the power of the universe, thinking in a certain way, and the law of attraction is Eckhart Tolle. He does a brilliant job of discussing and understanding our spirituality in his book The Power of NOW: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment. He really helped me grasp a better understanding of the ah-ha moments I mentioned earlier. At those moments our minds have slowed down and have allowed us to experience the power of the universe now. Living in the now is all that matters. There is nothing we can do about the past so stop thinking and worrying about it. If there is someone we need to forgive then do it right now. Pick up the phone and call them, forgive them or ask for their forgiveness, and then stop thinking and worrying about it. I particularly enjoy his view of organized religion and highly recommend this book to people struggling with their spirituality.

Finally, I would like to conclude by writing that I am the absolute supreme authority over my life. That I alone am 100% responsible for how I experience my life. That I am continually faced with choices and that I am responsible for the actions I take right now on the choices I make.

I am a true entrepreneur at heart. At the end of 2006, my wife found the current business we now own and operate. It is a personal development business that focuses on positive media rather than the CNN (constant negative news) that bombards us. Our mission is to educate serious entrepreneurs to reach their full potential and obtain the wealth and lifestyle they envision is possible. We have a passion for assisting individuals that have lost control of their lives and are seeking a way to take action and move themselves forward in a positive direction. I invite you to join our community of successful business owners.

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Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Caring For the Gardens of the Heart

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Monday, July 12, 2010

Thalia, Melpomene and Spirituality

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Do You Know the Truth When You See and When You Hear It? Ask Yourself What is it That You Recognize

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Sunday, July 11, 2010

Living Life on Purpose

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Saturday, July 10, 2010

Why We Read Auras

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Spiritually Aware - A Technique to Become Mindful and Spiritually Aware

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Friday, July 9, 2010

Understanding How Buddhist Meditation Can Help You Achieve Enlightenment

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Spirits Communicating - When Things Go Bump in the Night

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Thursday, July 8, 2010

Midlife Happiness and Spirituality - Is There a Link?

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Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Feeling Challenged in Life Provides Answers

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Musings on Life and Death - Are You Afraid of Dying

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Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Avoid Following All Religious Tenets Religiously

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Monday, July 5, 2010

Faith - An Act of Faith in God

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Defined by Choice

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Sunday, July 4, 2010

The History of Saint Cecilia

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True Forgiveness Creates Progress For the Soul

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Saturday, July 3, 2010

Intuition - The Gateway to Living Spiritually

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Friday, July 2, 2010

Fall Asleep at the Wrong Time When You Should Be Awake and Alert and at Work Can Spell Disaster

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A Hungry Soul

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Thursday, July 1, 2010

Thoughts on Service to Others

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As monastics, we build our day around the three principal activities of prayer, study and service. They are not always equally balanced, nor should they be. Some days we find ourselves more in a role of prayer, other days are filled with mostly study, and many days seem to be engulfed in service.

As Jesus brought his earthly ministry to a close, he charged his followers with a new commandment - "to love one another as I have loved you." (John 13:34) By establishing the standard for love that is based on Jesus' actions toward us, one has to be drawn into a study of the gospels to see just what he did and how he lived so that we are able to follow his model.

Generally speaking, it is clear that he spent time in prayer, that he studied the scriptures as well as human behavior and society, and that he "emptied himself, taking the form of a servant." (Philippians 2:7) He lived a life that was a clear blend of preparation, renewal, and encounter.

Jesus shaped the foundations of Christianity to go beyond just avoiding sin. Living is to be more than just not doing anything wrong. Living is primarily meant to do good, to be of service to other people and all of creation. It is a life that responds to "love your neighbor as yourself." It is a life that places us at risk, and yet it is a life that offers the most benefit and satisfaction.

We serve God in different ways and at different times. Each person has been given a special set of skills, talents and interests, and is placed in unique situations every day to use them. We do not have to save a nation or cure a disease to be great in God's eyes; we only have to use the talents he has given us in moment by moment encounters with other people and creatures of his creation. This could mean offering a friendly gesture or kind word to another person; provide a helping hand or simple blessing; or doing one of thousands of things if we are alert enough to see the need in the present moment.

God gives us projects or causes or movements or jobs to get us started in the right direction. Or, maybe we have to run an errand for someone else. These are the "service theatres" within which we live and move. But they are not always the ends in themselves. They may simply be the means by which much of the true service work happens, where we play a role in each scene on that stage.

When we embark on a project or errand or other of the day's activities, we begin to encounter other people in our moment by moment journey. These moments only come one at a time, and will often bring to us something that God needs to be done in that moment. If we are sufficiently aware of each present moment, we may see the opportunity as well as the resources needed to respond to it. Often it will involve other people; sometimes it will be ourselves that need attention (perhaps it is time to get some rest or nourishment). Sometimes God may simply be asking us to enjoy something of beauty. Over time, we come to learn the difference between need and want, and what is really the right thing to do for ourselves and others.

This is service at its finest - responding to the situation we find ourselves in during each moment. To prepare for this best, we need to do what Jesus did: balance our life in prayer, study and service, so that we are ready to perceive and respond to God's call.

Daniel Schroeder is the current Guardian of the Community of the Gospel, a dispersed Christian Community formed under the canons of the Episcopal Church. For further information, visit Daniel is author of the book, Reclaiming Eden: Taming the Serpent Ego. He has an MBA in finance and spent 32 years in the financial services industry.

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Wednesday, June 30, 2010

The Muse of Beltane

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Considered the Great Holiday by the Celts, Beltane is a time of purification, fertility & celebration. It is the midpoint between the Equinox and Solstice, the transition from Winter into Summer. The veil between the worlds is thin again at Beltane; the male & female energies are united and balanced; the beasts are put to pasture and the May Pole is driven into the Earth as a symbol of both fertility, and the sacred union between Heaven & Gaia.

As Queen of the Faeries, Rhiannon is the inspiration and muse for lovers, writers, musicians and artists. As a Celtic shaman herself, she moves between the worlds on her white horse, carrying those who are dying or taking soul's journeys into the land of remembering and rebirth. Rhiannon left her Faery Kingdom, choosing to participate in the Sacred Marriage with a human Prince. Upon the birth of their first child she fell prey to betrayal & humiliation, ultimately being cast out of her husband's family. Through her travails, in her own shamanic journey, she learned forgiveness & humor, rising to the high throne of amusement as one of the primary Goddesses of Beltane.

We call on you now, Rhiannon. You are the Divine Queen of the Faeries, Moon Goddess, otherworldly shape-shifter and songstress of all hearts.

The daffodils and narcissus reach out and wave to you as you float by. The cedars, the pines and other grandfathers of the forest bow to your lightness of being; the wind sings your name as the hummingbirds carry your sweet nectar, infusing and fertilizing the sage and rosemary scents of your essence. The smells of the Mother, her nature and rhythms, waft through the night while you dance with the elementals under the light of the bright full moon.

Come to us on your white horse, so elusive and swift, gowned in your dress made of golden threads. Come to us Rhiannon, shifting shapes and walking between worlds, you emerge in time to see us grow and expand like the true seedlings of Spring. You watch us through your bitter-salty tears of grief and forgiveness; reminding us, awakening us to what is valued in nature and the realms of your Otherworld.

You guide us to recall our memories of more magical times, of our connection to the elementals and others in the Faery world. You are the inspiration for all human creations: our music, our poetry, our prose and art.

Living with one foot in our world and another in your own, you remain clear on your course as you enchant every living being on both sides of the veil. You, the virgin huntress, your equal the horned stag.

Even as you have co-created this Great Marriage, you give up no power, commanding the sacred rights, the meeting of two, right where you are--integrated and strong; vulnerable and courageous, giving and receiving, the fountain of Yin and Yang flowing from your heart.

He follows you almost obsessively, never quite catching up; so swiftly you elude him and his army of men. When he finally puts his external forces to rest, he calls out your name. Like a firefly, you are instantly available, teasing and wondering why he tried so in vain to chase you in the first place.

Your Horned Stag now patiently awaits his Maiden Queen to guide him through the mists, slipping under the veils into a world he's never known. It's ecstasy he finds and his desires thirst no more, as you are his match, his mate, his familiar, and his true reflection. You are his and he is yours.

How committed you are to the Goddess on both sides. What do you offer, how do you receive and embrace the rhythms of her waves, her Moon, her Sun and her constant state of turning as you are here and there both? Will you embrace the cycles of the Mother in human form, or will you disappear into the mists forever?

Speak to us now, Rhiannon; teach us your elegance, your choices, your journey and rebellion, your commitment to the lineage of our mundane world. Speak to us of your emptiness, though we see your cup is filled to overflowing with the Divine.

How do you remain amused when betrayal knocks thrice, when you have lost your child so dear? How do you live, punished, humiliated and demeaned in this cage, enslaved by mortal fears? How do you carry this burden so boldly, so accepting and so humbly exposing yourself to the illusion of human royalty?

How do you forgive the accusers who cast you out of their homes, dismembering you of your dignity and birth right as Queen? Until near death you retained your humor, your wisdom and love for your King.

Oh great and sacred Queen, you remember yourself well as your love and support for those in crisis vanquishes the pain of your past. With this purity, you need never long for emergence, it is anchored within you for eternity. You readily serve those who house you with the dogs, and with sincerity and gratitude you accept their harsh gifts, all the while holding your sovereignty throughout lifetimes as High Priestess and sage.

We watch you here in this form, as you gracefully, joyfully sweep us onto your back, carrying us off to meet ourselves in full bloom to know our muse, our brilliance and our balance. We learn by your compassion to see only favor as we dance in the Moonlight, like you, we are hopeless no more. Thank you Rhiannon, for your mystical song, your poems of self-love as the Goddess fills our hearts with the tiny drops of joy and enthusiasm brought specially to us by the hummingbirds of your Spring.

The Energetic Connection offers a series of online courses through its sister site, Heart of the Mystic, focusing on self-mastery and the sacred feminine. All courses assist you in Opening your Body to Spirit. There are two six week courses: "Exploring Ceremony, Healing & Intuition;" "Balancing Fire & Water, Sun & Moon;" and a year-long course broken into 8 seasons following the Celtic Wheel of the Year: "Rhythms of Change." Each season may be taken as a separate course or as part of a year-long program. Join one of our classes today by visiting

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We Know Our Judge, Here Are His Witnesses

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In the spiritual world the justice system created by God has three witnesses on earth. These witnesses are the spirit, the blood and the water. These three give an account of our deeds and our thoughts and they are the witnesses that would be called on our day of judgment. Blood and water are physical for man to see and agree to what took place.

In the bible in the first epistle of John it is written: 'This is he that came by water and blood, even Jesus Christ; not by water only but by water and blood.' In another passage the Lord teaches us that: 'except a man be born of water and of the spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God.' Accepting our Lord's presence on earth is the first proof of acceptance of God in our lives. Our baptism with water in Christianity is following in his footsteps and further accepting his presence.

In the bible it is also written that: 'And it is the Spirit that beareth witness, because the Spirit is truth.' Our spirits represent the truth for they belong to God. The spirit bears witness for the Lord and cannot lie to any situation so that, that which is hidden from man is brought to light before God. The spirit is the final witness as it dictates man's thoughts and man is judged before the Lord not only by his deeds but by his thoughts. This is another characteristic that illustrates the intriguing nature of the spiritual world. As we know man's thoughts change from second to second and man is constantly seeking the needs of the heart. If our Lord judged us solely by the evidence of blood samples as we do to ourselves then how can he really know the truth behind the thought of what happened? The spirit is like a hidden camera in the dark that watches man wherever he is, whatever he is doing and whatever he is thinking. The spirit is that part of man that is invisible and so man cannot dictate its actions.

In the bible it is written: 'For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one. 'And there are three that bear witness in earth, The Spirit, and the water, and the blood: and these three agree in one.' It also teaches us that it is not sufficient to have the witness of men for our deeds for the witness of God is greater and is a testimony of our Lord and savior, Jesus Christ.

Leslie Musoko

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Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Fools of Christ

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Bearing the mantle of our Lord usually comes with a lot of heart ache and tribulation. There are simple attributes we must all accept once we decide to be evangelist of our Lord. Appearing to be weak before man is one of the first burdens we must accept. The mere fact that we are chosen to tell others of the word of God implies that we must have a stronger mind and heart to withstand the temptations of ridicule and abuse. These come in all works of life and we must learn to see beyond this and focus on the master that we serve. By doing this we appear to be weak before others. Our pride is trampled upon while our mere existence becomes something of the past. At these times we must bear the strain with the knowledge that we serve a higher master.

Another factor that is significant on this path is hunger. However this is not just the hunger for food taht we are accustomed to but that of the normal human desires. This is not to say that there is no ambition in this existence, however it is curtailed to the requirements of the master we serve. It is accepted that as we increase in knowledge spiritually we desire less physically. Our needs and wants are no more like the requirements of those we serve to bring to our Lord. Our needs and wants are pushed to the sidelines in our hearts. It becomes far more important to go without as long as we have fulfilled the duty of our Lord. In this sense time and again we tend to lack what most would take for granted. During these times it is not uncommon to fall into poverty as part of our tribulation.

In the bible it is written that: ' We are fools for Christ's sake, but ye are wise in Christ; we are weak, but ye are strong; ye are honorable, but we are despised. Even unto this present hour we both hunger and thirst, and are naked, and are buffeted, and have no certain dwelling place.'

The spiritual man, prophet, evangelist and apostle of the Lord must go to all extremes to deliver the word of the Lord. These extremes may leave him humiliated, empty and forgotten at times before man. In the old testament Elijah begged for death because of the tribulation he had to endure. His words were: 'It is enough; now, O Lord, take away my life; for I am not better than my fathers.' These words are no further from our lips as .

Leslie Musoko

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What Else You Must Know About Sylvia Browne, Psychic?

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Article Submitted On: April 23, 2010

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Monday, June 28, 2010

Holy Trinity - No Longer a Mystery

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Article Submitted On: May 02, 2010

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Sunday, June 27, 2010

Welcome the Light That Makes Life Bright

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There is no brighter gift, no greater potential given to we human beings, than the presence of a timeless Light within us whose power makes all things possible. This ever quiet, always present Light goes before us at all times, as does the illumination of a lamp move ahead of the one who walks by the safety of its beams.

One may wonder: if this Light is already within us -- a timeless power whose presence makes things right -- then why do we run into as many problems as we do? With such a source of courage at the very center of us, why do our fears outpace our ability to put them behind us? The answer to both these questions is amazingly simple.

What good is the light of any lamp in the dark if we forget to take that lamp with us out into the night? In other words, what good is this fearless nature of ours if we can't remember that to walk through life without our Light means we are likely to stumble and "fall into a pit"?

There is a part of ourselves that knows -- without having to think about it -- what is right from what is wrong, true from false. It is that "still small voice" within us incapable of compromising itself, and that would rather perish than cause unnecessary pain to another. This celestial part of our individual consciousness lives in everyone, and even though we humans number in the billions, our conscience is one. By its light we are empowered to see things as they are; through its encompassing intelligence we understand, at once, the beautiful wholeness of things and their many separate relationships. And as the light of this new awareness dawns within us, we become the very things we have sought for, and fought for all of our lives: compassion, wisdom, kindness, courage, and love.

Our spiritual task, assuming we are stirred to seek this truth of ourselves, is to awaken ourselves to this Light that first invites us, and then unites us with its uncompromised life. Our receptivity to its abiding presence is our connectivity to its fearlessness, and accordingly we are empowered to possess ourselves; for as we enter into its life we not only see what is right, bright, and timeless, but also come to realize these beautiful qualities as being one and the same as our True Self.

-- Guy Finley

Guy Finley is the acclaimed author of more than 30 books and audio programs on the subject of self-realization, several of which have become international best sellers. His popular works, published in 16 languages, are widely endorsed by doctors, professionals, and religious leaders of all denominations. Among many others, his popular titles include: The Secret of Letting Go, Design Your Destiny, The Lost Secrets of Prayer, Apprentice of the Heart, and Let Go and Live in the Now.

To learn more about the work of Guy Finley and his non-profit Life of Learning Foundation, visit for a wealth of free helpful information, free audio and video downloads, and to request your FREE Self-Improvement Starter Kit.

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Soul Colors and Soul Rays of Incarnation

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The color of your Soul appears in your aura. It will probably not change too much through your life. The color of your soul is determined by the Ray your Soul incarnated on for this life time.

There are 7 rays we can incarnate on, these rays all have a color or colors, and they have attributes. These attributes are gifts we receive to help us in this life time to learn and master the lessons we have set for ourselves. The 7 rays are a perfected aspect of the Christ Consciousness. Our incarnation on any one of the rays is our attempt to reach the fulfillment of the ray and the fulfillment of that aspect of Christ Consciousness.

Of course it is much more complicated that. When we incarnate, we incarnate on 5 of the possible 7 rays, for we incarnate not only on a soul ray, but also a personality ray and the emotional, mental and physical/etheric rays. These 5 rays, will have different colors and are all part of our aura.

It is interesting to know, which 5 rays we have in this life time, so as to get a greater understanding of our own path and Mastery of it.

The 7 rays, their colors and basic attributes are:

1 - Blue - Personal power, Gods Will over free will.
2 - Yellow - Wisdom, humility.
3 - Pink - Love, creativity.
4 - White - harmony through conflict, purity.
5 - Green / orange - truth, knowledge, healing.
6 - Purple/ ruby / gold -service, compassion, devotion.
7 - Violet - Transmutation.

So how do you know which soul ray you have incarnated on? It isn't as easy as colour preferences. I know two women who have incarnated on the 5th ray, the green ray, one loves green and the other hates it. We can't assume all healers are on the 5th ray either. If you don't intuitively know your rays and colours, it is best to seek clarification from a qualified clairvoyant, who is knowledgeable on the rays and whom can see auras to the soul level.

Verna Maruata is an energy imprinter. Imprinting is manifesting energy into the physical. She is currently working with the Ascended Masters and their energy portals. She has a blog on Ascension, Spirituality and the Ascended Masters at

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Saturday, June 26, 2010

How Near Death Experience Research Validates Metaphysics on Many Levels

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Article Submitted On: May 02, 2010

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Friday, June 25, 2010

Golden Keys to Achieving Ascension - 1 - Everything is Eternal Love

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The single most important golden key, in my opinion, is to see every person, animal, plant, and mineral as God visiting you in physical form. See everyone and everything, including yourself, as an incarnation of the Eternal Self. -Joshua David Stone

One of the wondrous aspects of ascension is your increased awareness of Oneness. The feeling of remembering your connection to all that is can be the most humbling, empowering, and reassuring feelings you will experience while human.

One thing that will block that experience is not being able, or willing, to practice this Golden key. In order to know yourself as an expression of Divinity you must see everything and everyone else in the same Light.

When our opinions differ from others, or we feel affected by the choices of others in difficult ways, we are challenged to remember that All of Creation of the same Source.

One of the things I do when a person or circumstance arises in my life that is unsettling for me emotionally is to wrap that person or circumstance in a bubble of white Light. I, too, am in the bubble of Light with whatever is affecting me.

I take time in my meditation and throughout the day to visual Light encompassing the entire thing in the bubble, and say aloud.

"I know this person/circumstance is an expression of God. It is here in my life at this moment to teach me that we are all created as unique expression of Divinity. I ask for the ability to see the gift and the beauty in this person/circumstance. I humbly surrender all of my difficult feelings and am wholly willing to be thankful for this situation."

I then make a list of everything positive I can think of about the person/circumstance. I see the positive aspects swirling around in the bubble of Light and then emanating outward to All.

Regardless of how many trips you take on the journey within you will need the core knowledge - the Universal Truth - of this Golden Key in order to embody being Spirit in form.

All is One

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Preparing For the Great Transition - Connect to Your Agenda (Step 6)

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Article Submitted On: May 03, 2010

MLA Style Citation:
Ratcliffe, Barbara J.".".3 May. May. 2010
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Thursday, June 24, 2010

The Holy Trinity, From God Or Man?

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Article Submitted On: May 02, 2010

MLA Style Citation:
T., Ash".".2 May. May. 2010
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Manifesting Truth Unto the Abundant Life

) and a qualified, unordained Christian minister (GradDipBib&Min). His blogs are at: and

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Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Preparing For the Great Transition - Shift Your Beliefs

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Article Submitted On: May 03, 2010

MLA Style Citation:
Ratcliffe, Barbara J.".".3 May. May. 2010
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Tuesday, June 22, 2010

The Sun is Still the Sun

Ecclesiastes 1:5 (NIV).

Biblical truth, whilst it is always revealing to us different shades of truth, never changes. Neither does God. Hebrews 13:8, I was recently reminded, says "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever." The truth might seem either new or old, but the fact is it doesn't change - it's only our perceptions that change.

The biggest challenge any of us will ever face is how we'll approach the sensation of truth. Will we see, taste and touch it truthfully? Is it then recognised? And if it is, what will we do with it?

It's a dedication to the truth that M. Scott Peck lauded as one of the most relevant principles of the wise life - on the road less travelled. In this, the truth cannot harm us - it can only help. But, this doesn't make it easier. The truth just is.

Where do we sit? The truth beckons a thousand times a day. We see and we respond mostly by instinct. We engage with people and their non-truths, and without some sense of moral courage we'll give way to small talk, gossip, innuendo, and any number of non-truthful devices of speech; the immeasurable majority of which do not build up.

And this is our test. The truth must be in us. If we believe in Jesus, truth is our witness and testimony. . The Son is still the Son. Nothing will ever change regarding these and the truth.

We're to be conformed to the truth.

Some things will never change. What is our response to truth? Does it melt us or harden us?

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New World Order Folly

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Some people (like those who are using evil means to depopulate Mother Earth) think they are getting by with hurting other people, but they are in for a horrendous surprise when they die...God is waiting for them! They will experience every bit of pain they have ever inflicted on other people...and then they will be barred from entering the glorious city of Light! Oh how foolishly they are deceiving themselves!

We have such awesome potential in this life on Earth. This is our chance to grow spiritually many times faster in this physical environment than we can in the spiritual realm. We are in school here, but so many are blind. They think they can poison, starve, and kill other people in any manner they choose, and they think they will go free. This is foolish. Do they not realize they are spirits who have been allowed to spend a lifetime on this Earth so they can grow spiritually closer to our heavenly Father? Instead, they have turned their backs on Him and walk in a path of darkness of their own choosing.

But God is "Just". We will each reap what we have sown. Those who are organizing a global world government while they are murdering Creator's children, are certainly being watched by our heavenly Father. Their time is short. Then they will face the greatest revenge of Earth history. They will be gnashing their teeth in pain, and suffer in tremendous emotional distress because they will be totally separated from God.

He is my Father and I love Him so very much! I am giving this warning so some may repent of their evil transgressions and return to the God of Israel before it is too late for them.

May some find their way home.

Blessings, prayers and warm thoughts, Dottie

For more information about the seven steps for attaining a oneness with our heavenly Father, and about the return of Pahana of Hopi legend, read Red Hat Speaks, and Red Hat's Wisdom by Dorothy K. Daigle. These books can be ordered from any bookstore, or online from, where they can also be browsed.

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Monday, June 21, 2010

Inner Resolution - Coming Back to Center

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During this time of tremendous shift and change, it can be difficult to come back to "center". Back to balance and harmony. Part of doing this is becoming aware of when we are out of balance, and not grounded or centered.

We live in such a fast paced society, that it can be easy to lose ourselves in work, family, over commitments and busyness. So the question is, how do we begin to tune in to being out of balance in the first place? I would like to share with you my own awareness and journey of coming back to center, at least for fleeting moments, that seem to get longer the more I slow down enough to notice.

After my huge transition this last year of selling my home, relocating and settling into a new place, I became acutely aware of how burned out I was and emotionally exhausted. This showed up as fatigue, anxiety, discontentment and a lack of motivation. Prior to my awareness of my emotional condition, per recommendation of a colleague, I made arrangements to do a 10 day silent Vipassana retreat shortly after my house closed and I officially moved out.

The thought of 10 days of silence was magnificent. I was yearning for stillness and solitude; with no one expecting anything from me. In my mind's eye these precious 10 days, would be a wonderful opportunity to come back home to myself and to rest deeply.

I mentioned this retreat to a dear friend of mine, who very quickly agreed to accompany me. As we both made preparations for our silent "vacation", friends would make comments such as, "But, what if you want to leave the retreat?" And both of us would smile and smugly say, "Will, that's about you and not me!" Others would say, "I can't imagine being silent for 10 days. How will you ever do it?" Again, we would smile and say, "I can't wait!"

The day we set out on our grand adventure, we were filled with excitement. For my friend, it was her first time away from her family for almost 20 years. She made certain that there was enough food, supplies and phone numbers to ensure that her family would be well taken care of. For me, I made arrangements that my two cats would be nurtured and loved, while I was away. So, after all of this conscious preparation, all was well for both of us to leave our homes.

As we made our way to our restful retreat destination, we laughed, talked and shared our excitement. Curiously, as we were approaching our freeway exit to the retreat center, both of us became acutely aware of our physical reactions to the upcoming reality of going into silence for so many days. We both experienced sweaty palms, rapid heart rate and a "what are we doing?" response.

The closer to the retreat center we got, the more aware of our reactions we were. Yet, both of us eased into the deep knowingness that we were where we needed to be and that all was well.

As we were welcomed into the center, we were amazed at how many folks were attending. There were 34 women and 34 men ready to step into 10 days of silence and 10 hours a day of meditating. I was amazed, and wondered what motivated these folks to go deep within and spend 10 days of their life in silence. What were they looking for, and what were they hoping to gain? Such a personal question and yet, my curiosity was peaked.

During the late afternoon and early evening of our orientation, we ate together, were told the ground rules, chatted amongst ourselves and asked a few nervous questions. Then, at 7:30 pm we entered into noble silence and began our inner journey of self reflection, insight, resolution and deep awareness.

The next 10 days were amazing. I quickly learned how I so confidently talked about these 10 days when it was something in the future, and how that confidence shifted when I was actually experiencing the silence and long hours of meditating. What occurred to me, is how often we reflect into the future with plans, intentions and anticipation yet when we actually step into the reality of taking the action steps of achieving those things, it may be much different than what we had ever begun to imagine.

My body hurt, my mind began to chatter almost constantly, and when I could muster some humor in all of this, I realized that I am never really alone, not when I have my thoughts! Remembering that we have more than 60,000 to 80,000 thoughts per day, the constant flow of disjointed conversations were incredible. I also came to realize how cruel some of our thoughts are and the violence that we mentally, and quite unconsciously, put ourselves through.

The Vipassana meditation is structured around the pure teachings of Buddha. It's based on the quantum physics of "mind and matter". Our mental mind and the stories we make up, and matter relating to our physical body. Through this training, we begin noticing the different subtle sensations that we have throughout our body, and the realization, that we are addicted to the feelings or sensations that we have; that is the cravings and repulsions of certain sensations. As a result, we also experience the continual desire to recreate a particular sensation. In the movie, "What the Bleep do we Know?", Candace Pert, a scientist, talked about the addiction we have to the emotion of love. She noted how quickly someone can fall out of love with a person if they don't respond in a way that "feels" good. This, in combination with our thoughts, can create patterns of habituation or body memory which causes us to keep recreating a pattern of feeling or being that either causes us pain or gives us pleasure. One reason why it is so difficult to change a habit or pattern is because of the cellular memory we have around it, hence our sensations that we experience in our body. Deepak Chopra said that we only have tow feelings; yum and yuck.

Being trained in so many disciplines that address the body memory, I was grateful to experience the fullness of what that meant on a very deep and visceral level. The body pain that I experienced was from repressed emotional /body trauma. Because I had never sat for 10 hours a day before, the pain that was repressed never surfaced. When I became aware of my resistance to the pain and the desire to push it away, I was able to relax into being in the moment and releasing the pain. I came to fully realize how impermanent everything is and that within a moment we can shift away resistance to acceptance. Pema Chodron, an American Buddhist nun, said that one of the most difficult things a person can do is to meditate because when one is still, body memory is released and we can be flooded with unresolved emotion, trauma and memories. Our mind acts like a cap to keep us distracted from what is going on inside our bodies. Meditating allows the space for tremendous healing to occur if we don't push it away.

The reason that the Vipassana training is for 10 days is because it takes around 4 - 5 days before the mind gives it up and surrenders to what is. I noticed that when I surrendered to the pain and struggle, I was able to fully be present in the moment. As a result, my memory and experience of the 10 days felt soft without any exaggerated story or drama. Being in the precious moments allowed me to move through my pain and quiet my mind.

I wonder if this deep awareness of being with what is, could perhaps release the addiction to drama. What if we consciously consented to the truth that we were dealt? Not to become victims or passive, rather consent to what is and move forward in a proactive way thus allowing solutions to emerge.

I would invite anyone who was interested in releasing, clearing away and becoming aware of beliefs, attitudes and patterns that may no longer serve you to research the possibility of doing a Vipassana retreat. If you decide to do it, make sure that you spend time making the decision because it is a challenging experience and the results are amazing. For me, it was life changing and I know that my personal awareness's will continue to surface as I move deeper into integrating all that happened in those 10 days. I feel blessed that I was able to experience this truly phenomenal training.

For more information you can google Vipassana meditation.

Catherine invites you to a personal complimentary 45 minute Inner Resolution Facilitation Informative Conversation.
Details at: Complimentary Personal Conversation

"Are you ready to step away from who you think you are, and fully become the magnificent person that you are? Together, we will separate the facts from your "story" that will help you step into the field of infinite possibilities."

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Sunday, June 20, 2010

My Health is My Business

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Physical exercise in one form or another on a regular basis is recommended for all of us to stay healthy. However physical exercise should not surpass spiritual exercise. If the most important benefactor from either exercise is the heart then the spiritual should surpass the physical. Regular physical exercise results in a healthy body, good heart beat and the tendency to feel energized and positive. However this does not necessarily cleanse the body of evil.

In the bible it is explained to us that our bodies are the temple of God and that the spirit of God abides in them. The wisdom of the world teaches us many things that physically enable us to cope with the varying situations in life. The challenge comes when we cannot understand those aspects of life that are unpredictable. Examples of these could include a broken heart through loss of love; loss of a loved one, loss of job and the regular amenities we are afforded. Sometimes even the loss of our dignity through hardship or violence leaves us paralyzed through our existence. Embarking solely on physical prowess to maintain our health makes it impossible to cope with the unpredictable.

Spiritual exercise should always be maintained in one form or another. There are simple ways of doing this. Some of them include regular prayers. Adopting a routine of regular prayers is keeping one's self constantly in the presence of God and our Lord and savior, Jesus Christ. In doing so we are better placed to cope with the challenges that life throws at us.

Another form of spiritual exercise is kindness. Offering to others allows us to be less focused on ourselves and more on other people. By carrying out this selfless act we receive blessings in turn from our Lord and a stronger heart and spirit. Sharing in worship with fellow Christians is another important aspect of spiritual exercise. This builds on morals and lets us know that we aren't alone coping in life. This does not necessarily have to be in church, it can be in any work of life. As long as we are partaking in this we are bound to reap healthy rewards.

It is not enough to carry out the aforementioned without reading the word of God. Reading and turning to the pages of scripture on a regular basis is the crown we set on our heads in spiritual exercise. No one can really teach us of God but God. To seek him we must always start with his Word. If spiritual and physical exercise is practiced on this basis we live a balanced life.

Leslie Musoko

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Virtuous Vices

Leslie Musoko
Level: Platinum

Leslie Musoko is the author of the novels Divinity Dawns and ELI. His television debut came in 2007 as a speaker/panelist on CSPAN television in ... Article Word Count: 460

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Saturday, June 19, 2010

How Your Angels Will Help You Grow Your Business Success

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Your angels will help you in all areas of your life, but I find that my guides particularly help me with my business! Part of my life path is being an entrepreneur (sounds so much better than self-employed, don't you think?) and I've attracted a team of helpers this lifetime that really support me in that. They help me stay organized, they give me creative ideas and they help me be in the right place at the right time so that success is natural.

Your guides are really concerned with helping you with your spiritual growth and to fulfill the plan & purpose you chose for this lifetime. Often, the way you earn your living is a big part of fulfilling that purpose. When you're on your path and being of service, the money will flow into your life. If you feel like you're struggling with money, or you're just not happy - you probably haven't yet found your niche in life. It's well worth investing some time to find it!

Here are 4 ways that your angels can help you in your business & career endeavors:

1. Providing creative ideas and inspiration

Your angels will give you lots of ideas on how you can go about reaching your goals. Write them down when you receive them! You may just dream about them too. A friend of mine mentioned that she woke up in the middle of the night with an idea for a whole new arm of her company! Now she's taking action on that idea. Great business ideas don't come to you during the middle of your busy day at your desk. They come when you have the space to tune in spiritually.

My mission in life is to help as many sincere people as possible connect with their angels. A few years back, my angels gave me an idea to create a home study course so that anyone in the world could begin to work with their angels regardless of whether there was a trained instructor in their neighborhood to help them. Because this idea was so in alignment with my purpose, my angels really helped me get this project started and completed.

I procrastinated on doing it for 3 years, before I manifested a torn Achilles tendon and couldn't walk for 3 months. All I could do during that time was write at the computer - it was an injury that turned into a blessing because I completed my Awaken to the Messages of your Angels Home Study Course.

Don't go through 3 wasted years and a serious injury like I did! Take action on the inspirations and ideas you receive from guidance.

2. Helping you with timing

Once you have written down all those creative ideas you received from guidance, you can check in with them on the best timing. Often, you will get ideas now, that aren't to be implemented until a future time. If you try to do everything at once, you'll be frazzled and overwhelmed! Some of you are impatient, and want it all now. But I'm here to tell you there is divine timing for everything. You can be in the right place at the wrong time, or the wrong place at the right time. It's when you're in the right place at the right time that success FLOWS.

Just today I was feeling stressed and pressured by one of my projects. I wanted to schedule a local IPM Orientation lecture, but was feeling pressured because I felt I had to do it on the 4th of May, and that's less than 2 weeks away. I didn't know what to do so I cleansed and relaxed and asked my guides for assistance. They suggested I could do the lecture on May 12th- the date I had planned to do the follow up technique workshop. Once I got that solution, I felt my whole body and mind relax. Then everything felt simple and clear, instead of pressured.

If you start to feel pressure, take a minute to discern where it is coming from and what you can do to change things. You'll save so much time in the long run, and you'll be more successful!

3. Prioritizing your projects

Ever get to work in the morning and make a to-do list that seems a mile long? That was what my morning was like today. I was glad that I had taken the time to write everything down so it wouldn't get forgotten, but looking at that long list was a little overwhelming! So, I asked my guides for help.

I asked them which projects were the most urgent to do first, and which could wait. One of the first things they suggested I do today was make a phone call to ask a friend to lead a group meeting for me. I thought he would be able to do it, but it turns out he's not available that day. I'm glad my guides suggested I do that first, because now I have time to find someone else who would like that opportunity.

Once I got in sync, and knew what to do first, second and third I was back in my flow and really enjoying my projects. I was amazed how quickly I began to cross off items on the to-do list. It feels good to be productive, and if you're a business owner time is money. Your angels can help you be very effective with your time!

4. Creating a business plan in alignment with your life purpose

As you tune in to your guidance more and more, you'll find that some activities and projects really resonate with you, and others don't. If you are not used to letting your intuition guide you, you might be in a job that makes you unhappy. You've made your decisions based on what others said, or what you thought you "should" do.

But your angels can help you know the job/career or business that will make you both happy and rich! Your angels aren't interested in money per se, they are interested in you being of service. If you're doing something just for the money, you'll feel a lack of spiritual backing. If you're doing something just for service and do it for free, you'll feel taken advantage of. Strike the perfect balance between service & financial reward and you are living a truly abundant life. That's what your angels can help you with!

I'll be going into all these topics and more in the BRAND NEW Angelic Business Secrets Telecourse. You'll get experience and tools to boost your spiritual success! Check it out. The Super-Early bird special ends this Saturday 24th April at Midnight! Plus, if you already have the Orientation Profile you can participate in the calls for just $197. Email me for details.

Want to use this article? You can, just use the following paragraph in it's entirety including links.

Melissa Kitto, the Angel Guidance Coach, will show you how to tune in and communicate directly with your angels and experience the JOY of living your unique life purpose. Visit to receive your FREE Special Report, the 3 Secrets to Communicating with your Angels.

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What Are the Akashic Records and What Do They Do?

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The Akashic Records are a universal storage area of our life's events. They include all past lives, all present lifetime experiences, including the past, present and future, and all future incarnations. Accessing this Hall of Records is possible. There are two ways to do this: use a trained Reader to open your Records or learn to access the Records yourself.

The Records are not available for predictions about the future. They provide a guidance for our spiritual growth. What issues are blocking us? What lessons are we learning from our relationships? Below is a list of some specific questions from my clients that might help direct you:

1. Why am I in a particular geographical area, such as country, state and/or town?
2. What other past lives am I connected to at this time?
3. What is my purpose in life regarding my kids, partner, spouse, or parent?
4. What is my connection to my partner and why, despite all of the difficulties and not getting along, are we still together?
5. I have a problem with arthritis? Is the related to any particular past life event?
6. What is the nature of the blockage in my work?
7. What am I supposed to be doing? Why am I not getting the job I want or any job in this field or any other?
8. What are my issues with my family, and what is my special connection to my granddaughter?
9. What are my issues around my spiritual growth?
10. Why am I not feeling well? What are the emotional/spiritual blocks to my health?

A person must be 18 years of age and must give permission for their Akashic Records to be opened. You may not ask to open the Records of a family member or friend. That is not allowed. These Records are the personal file of the individual.

Finding a qualified Reader is easy. Just search on the Internet. Be sure to feel comfortable with the person you choose. My experience is that you are directed to the right individual. Just ask.

Learning to read your own Records is possible. I have written a review on Linda Howe's How To Read The Akashic Records: Accessing the Archive of the Soul and its Journey, which is the best book on the subject. You need some training before doing them on your own. Any of you who have done automatic writing, where you just sit in a quiet space and let the words flow on a page, can usually transition to accessing your own Akashic Records. Some of you will find that you can even do Readings for others. There is no mystery here. We all have the ability. I would encourage you to do so, as another way to trust and refine your spiritual connection. Again, this is not fortune telling. This is using a valuable tool to provide further direction to the issues and lessons in order for you to evolve.

Cheryl A. Chatfield, Ph. D. invites you to visit her nonprofit organization at to find out more about The Akashic Records. Discover what others say about their experiences.

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Friday, June 18, 2010

Unlocking the Church in Acts

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What would the New Testament be like if the Book of Acts were omitted? After reading the four Gospels, the Epistle to the Romans would confound theologians and simple English Bible readers alike. The Book of Acts is not, as is constantly and incorrectly asserted, a record of the birth and growth of the Christian church. Instead, it is a record of the "apostasy of the favored nation," as stated by Robert Anderson in the "Silence of God".

The simple big question to ask when reading the Book of Acts is, at the Ascension (Acts 1:6-9), what did the Disciples know about the Christian Church?. The answer is: nothing! Except for the conversion of Cornelius (Acts 10), the Jewish believers in Jesus spoke only to other members of the Jewish nation. Why? This question is answered by reviewing the common belief the Jewish people during Christ's life held about the role God had given the Jewish nation in human history. The Judaism of Christ's day taught that God's plan was to spread the ideals of the Torah throughout the world using teachers and preachers commissioned by God to spread His revelation to all the people of the world. Jesus never contradicted that idea. In fact, in His final message to the disciples he instructed them, "... that repentance and remission of sins should be preached in his name among all nations, beginning at Jerusalem." Luke 24: 46-47.

Of course, almost every Christian church understands these verses as the "Great Commission" to the Christian church. Jesus did not call it that. In Luke 22, at the Lord's Supper, he told the disciples, "And I appoint unto you a kingdom, as my Father hath appointed unto me; That ye may eat and drink at my table in my kingdom, and sit on thrones judging the twelve tribes of Israel." Luke 22:29-30. The message of Christ in the Gospels and in Acts to the disciples was a kingdom message - a message to the Jewish nation.

So, when did the Christian church begin and how did the incorrect idea that Acts is a record of the birth and growth of the Christian church arise? The facts recorded in Acts are graphically illustrated next:

The concepts involved can be understood graphically. Imagine a three-tiered set of boxes. At the top you have the Apostles' message. In the second tier, just beneath the Apostles, you have two boxes: one for Israel's message and one for the message to the Gentiles. Beneath those boxes, in the third tier, there are 3 boxes. One box is for the rejection of the Risen Messiah by the nation of Israel. The second is titled "Jesus

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Thursday, June 17, 2010

What Are the Three Jewels of Buddhism?

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Other Recent EzineArticles from the Self-Improvement:Spirituality Category:

Messages I Have Received From the Other SideChristians With Panic AttackMy Father's Hand is StrongerAmazing Free Candle Love SpellsMercury Retrograde - Help!The Right Way to Burn Love Spell CandlesProgram Your Lover's Mind From Distance With Voodoo Doll Love SpellsWe Can't Just Wait Around For God to Do For Us, We Have to Do For OurselvesUnlocking the Church in ActsDon't Be Your Worst Enemy - Be Your Best FriendWhat Are the Akashic Records and What Do They Do?How Your Angels Will Help You Grow Your Business SuccessVirtuous VicesMy Health is My BusinessInner Resolution - Coming Back to Center

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Article Submitted On: May 03, 2010

MLA Style Citation:
Van Gundy, Ray".".3 May. May. 2010
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The Right Way to Burn Love Spell Candles

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Other Recent EzineArticles from the Self-Improvement:Spirituality Category:

Messages I Have Received From the Other SideChristians With Panic AttackMy Father's Hand is StrongerAmazing Free Candle Love SpellsMercury Retrograde - Help!Program Your Lover's Mind From Distance With Voodoo Doll Love SpellsWhat Are the Three Jewels of Buddhism?We Can't Just Wait Around For God to Do For Us, We Have to Do For OurselvesUnlocking the Church in ActsDon't Be Your Worst Enemy - Be Your Best FriendWhat Are the Akashic Records and What Do They Do?How Your Angels Will Help You Grow Your Business SuccessVirtuous VicesMy Health is My BusinessInner Resolution - Coming Back to Center

Most Viewed EzineArticles in the Self-Improvement:Spirituality Category (60 days)

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Most Published EzineArticles in the Self-Improvement:Spirituality Category (60 days)

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Article Submitted On: May 03, 2010

MLA Style Citation:
Morris, Jack D.".".3 May. May. 2010
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Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Amazing Free Candle Love Spells

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Sandra was your best friend. How could she possibly do this? She took you to a fraud psychic reader, who took a whole lot of money from you without much to say. Actually there is no point in getting angry with Sandra. It wasn't her fault at all what can she do if almost every next reader tries to cheat you. Tries to utilise your weakness and take advantage of you by seeing your interest towards the reading. But not anymore, now you can perform your own ritual and cast your own spell by using the free candle love spells.

Yes it's indeed very simple. Only we were not there before to help you. We are talking about the candle spells here which we give you free. No more hassles just learn a few steps and go ahead to cast your own spell and bring in the magic with your own hands. It's just the right kind of candles, the right mind set and the right bit of understanding that you require.

But mind it you are quite lucky to have found us its not that easy to find free candle love spells. The only word of caution before beginning is that you should never use an already used candle. There are various kinds of candle love spells using several or one candle of different colours. The white candle love spell is the most authentic and easier to do.

The Free candle love spells requires lots of concentration on the candle flame and visualizing your lover whom you want back in your life or to strengthen the bond with your existing lover.

The Free candle love spell acts for both quite effectively giving satisfactory results. Place the candle in the center of a table and concentrate on the flame keeping your lover in mind and inscribe the words 'let all the love come back to me' on the candle surface. After the ritual is complete very carefully wrapping in a clean paper keep the remains of the candle.

The day you don't need the love anymore or the person anymore, dispose the remains very carefully off, in the sea or bury it. While sitting for the rituals remember to be surrounded by things which you love or which actually reminds you of your lover. Keeping those objects actually helps you bring back the memories. A lot of love out of the free candle love spell is guaranteed.

But, you have to decide for yourself before everything whether you really need this love, whether it is necessary for you. If you forcibly want someone to love you the results in such cases is not good. In the long run it pays off quite badly. All you need is a bit of caution and a lot of inner strength. With a positive change is all that takes for the free candle love spells to happen successfully.

Want to experience the most enjoyable and accurate phone psychic readings by authentic and best psychics? Don't waste your money over the fake ones, you must consult the industry-leader and at Psychic Source, you will get the most valuable phone psychic advice through 24/7. Any sort of problem, but no answer, you must go or call 888-302-2070 now.

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Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Christians With Panic Attack

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Christians having a problem with panic attacks may avoid their friends out of shame or fear of criticism or loss of reputation. That is unfortunate because panic usually includes spiritual battles, and one way God has ordained that spiritual battles should be fought in with the encouragement of others. Careful choice of a wise and kind fellow Christian is advisable. If one is uncomfortable with one's friends (or family), perhaps a more distant counselor from church or private professional help is preferable.

The good news here is that effective strategies have been employed in alleviating and curing attacks. Anxiety may creep up on a Christian, in some cases almost unawares, with an accumulation of stresses. Either that or a memorable trauma. In any case, the onset of panic attacks occurs for one or more reasons. Undoing our anxious reactions to the stresses can be accomplished in various ways, partly depending on causes.

I. Physical Causes

Panic may be caused or partially caused by a nutritional deficiency, a reaction to a pharmaceutical drug, the presence of toxins in the environment, genetic predispositions or the like.

II. Physical Remedies

Where panic has been considered a problem in the physical brain, drugs, herbs, homeopathic remedies, vitamins and minerals have been used with varying success. And the brain has successfully been trained not to fear by behavior modification strategies targeted to one's particular circumstances and fears.

III. Spiritual Causes

Perhaps more acute for the Christian than the non-Christian would often be whether the panic attacks are a sign that "God does not love me." Or the Christian with panic attacks may question whether God is good, and so on.

We cannot address all such questions here in any detail, but my point is that we are complex beings, and panic attacks can touch on the physical as well as spiritual aspects of our being.

IV. Spiritual Remedies

And it is worth noting that the Christian has advantages in the realm of the spirit when dealing with panic and anxiety. Perspective is one. The good news or gospel of Jesus itself is the chief demonstration of the love of God for sinful people like us. One implication of this greater love is the Christian's conquest over panic. The forgiveness of sins is the greater problem, and "how much more will God freely give us" conquest over a lesser thing like panic (although of course the attacks are terribly unpleasant things to endure).

All that is not to say the Christian cannot have problems in this life. The Bible also records all kinds of bad things happening to God's people. Its just that the gospel gives the Christian a kind of guiding light and hope along a dark path. The end will be better because of what Jesus accomplished on the cross.

Meanwhile, panic attacks are a considerable challenge. For this, a second tool for the Christian is prayer. Remember that Jesus is God made flesh. The Creator of the universe shared our human and suffering condition. He thus sympathizes with our weaknesses.

It is not that God is our servant, however. Prayer must not be demand, nor faith be presumption. Christian prayer properly is offered in a submissive and humble spirit to a merciful King. Christians suffering panic attacks have no right to demand an end to suffering, but perhaps the God who sent His Son to die for us would also relieve our suffering in His time.

And the beauty of certain behavior modification strategies, thirdly, is that they can address both physical and spiritual problems at once. Multiple means of addressing panic attacks is usually recommended because we are complex beings.

One can in fact take advantage of many remedies, physical or spiritual, without necessarily letting your circle of friends know, although again the help of someone sympathetic is also advisable.

Next, see some Scripture texts from which generations of Christians with anxiety have received comfort, and be sure to sign up for the free email mini-course to learn more effective panic attack relief methods.

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