Friday, June 25, 2010

Golden Keys to Achieving Ascension - 1 - Everything is Eternal Love

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The single most important golden key, in my opinion, is to see every person, animal, plant, and mineral as God visiting you in physical form. See everyone and everything, including yourself, as an incarnation of the Eternal Self. -Joshua David Stone

One of the wondrous aspects of ascension is your increased awareness of Oneness. The feeling of remembering your connection to all that is can be the most humbling, empowering, and reassuring feelings you will experience while human.

One thing that will block that experience is not being able, or willing, to practice this Golden key. In order to know yourself as an expression of Divinity you must see everything and everyone else in the same Light.

When our opinions differ from others, or we feel affected by the choices of others in difficult ways, we are challenged to remember that All of Creation of the same Source.

One of the things I do when a person or circumstance arises in my life that is unsettling for me emotionally is to wrap that person or circumstance in a bubble of white Light. I, too, am in the bubble of Light with whatever is affecting me.

I take time in my meditation and throughout the day to visual Light encompassing the entire thing in the bubble, and say aloud.

"I know this person/circumstance is an expression of God. It is here in my life at this moment to teach me that we are all created as unique expression of Divinity. I ask for the ability to see the gift and the beauty in this person/circumstance. I humbly surrender all of my difficult feelings and am wholly willing to be thankful for this situation."

I then make a list of everything positive I can think of about the person/circumstance. I see the positive aspects swirling around in the bubble of Light and then emanating outward to All.

Regardless of how many trips you take on the journey within you will need the core knowledge - the Universal Truth - of this Golden Key in order to embody being Spirit in form.

All is One

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