Tuesday, June 22, 2010

New World Order Folly

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Some people (like those who are using evil means to depopulate Mother Earth) think they are getting by with hurting other people, but they are in for a horrendous surprise when they die...God is waiting for them! They will experience every bit of pain they have ever inflicted on other people...and then they will be barred from entering the glorious city of Light! Oh how foolishly they are deceiving themselves!

We have such awesome potential in this life on Earth. This is our chance to grow spiritually many times faster in this physical environment than we can in the spiritual realm. We are in school here, but so many are blind. They think they can poison, starve, and kill other people in any manner they choose, and they think they will go free. This is foolish. Do they not realize they are spirits who have been allowed to spend a lifetime on this Earth so they can grow spiritually closer to our heavenly Father? Instead, they have turned their backs on Him and walk in a path of darkness of their own choosing.

But God is "Just". We will each reap what we have sown. Those who are organizing a global world government while they are murdering Creator's children, are certainly being watched by our heavenly Father. Their time is short. Then they will face the greatest revenge of Earth history. They will be gnashing their teeth in pain, and suffer in tremendous emotional distress because they will be totally separated from God.

He is my Father and I love Him so very much! I am giving this warning so some may repent of their evil transgressions and return to the God of Israel before it is too late for them.

May some find their way home.

Blessings, prayers and warm thoughts, Dottie

For more information about the seven steps for attaining a oneness with our heavenly Father, and about the return of Pahana of Hopi legend, read Red Hat Speaks, and Red Hat's Wisdom by Dorothy K. Daigle. These books can be ordered from any bookstore, or online from http://www.iuniverse.com, where they can also be browsed.

Article Source:http://EzineArticles.com/?expert

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