Your angels will help you in all areas of your life, but I find that my guides particularly help me with my business! Part of my life path is being an entrepreneur (sounds so much better than self-employed, don't you think?) and I've attracted a team of helpers this lifetime that really support me in that. They help me stay organized, they give me creative ideas and they help me be in the right place at the right time so that success is natural.
Your guides are really concerned with helping you with your spiritual growth and to fulfill the plan & purpose you chose for this lifetime. Often, the way you earn your living is a big part of fulfilling that purpose. When you're on your path and being of service, the money will flow into your life. If you feel like you're struggling with money, or you're just not happy - you probably haven't yet found your niche in life. It's well worth investing some time to find it!
Here are 4 ways that your angels can help you in your business & career endeavors:
1. Providing creative ideas and inspiration
Your angels will give you lots of ideas on how you can go about reaching your goals. Write them down when you receive them! You may just dream about them too. A friend of mine mentioned that she woke up in the middle of the night with an idea for a whole new arm of her company! Now she's taking action on that idea. Great business ideas don't come to you during the middle of your busy day at your desk. They come when you have the space to tune in spiritually.
My mission in life is to help as many sincere people as possible connect with their angels. A few years back, my angels gave me an idea to create a home study course so that anyone in the world could begin to work with their angels regardless of whether there was a trained instructor in their neighborhood to help them. Because this idea was so in alignment with my purpose, my angels really helped me get this project started and completed.
I procrastinated on doing it for 3 years, before I manifested a torn Achilles tendon and couldn't walk for 3 months. All I could do during that time was write at the computer - it was an injury that turned into a blessing because I completed my Awaken to the Messages of your Angels Home Study Course.
Don't go through 3 wasted years and a serious injury like I did! Take action on the inspirations and ideas you receive from guidance.
2. Helping you with timing
Once you have written down all those creative ideas you received from guidance, you can check in with them on the best timing. Often, you will get ideas now, that aren't to be implemented until a future time. If you try to do everything at once, you'll be frazzled and overwhelmed! Some of you are impatient, and want it all now. But I'm here to tell you there is divine timing for everything. You can be in the right place at the wrong time, or the wrong place at the right time. It's when you're in the right place at the right time that success FLOWS.
Just today I was feeling stressed and pressured by one of my projects. I wanted to schedule a local IPM Orientation lecture, but was feeling pressured because I felt I had to do it on the 4th of May, and that's less than 2 weeks away. I didn't know what to do so I cleansed and relaxed and asked my guides for assistance. They suggested I could do the lecture on May 12th- the date I had planned to do the follow up technique workshop. Once I got that solution, I felt my whole body and mind relax. Then everything felt simple and clear, instead of pressured.
If you start to feel pressure, take a minute to discern where it is coming from and what you can do to change things. You'll save so much time in the long run, and you'll be more successful!
3. Prioritizing your projects
Ever get to work in the morning and make a to-do list that seems a mile long? That was what my morning was like today. I was glad that I had taken the time to write everything down so it wouldn't get forgotten, but looking at that long list was a little overwhelming! So, I asked my guides for help.
I asked them which projects were the most urgent to do first, and which could wait. One of the first things they suggested I do today was make a phone call to ask a friend to lead a group meeting for me. I thought he would be able to do it, but it turns out he's not available that day. I'm glad my guides suggested I do that first, because now I have time to find someone else who would like that opportunity.
Once I got in sync, and knew what to do first, second and third I was back in my flow and really enjoying my projects. I was amazed how quickly I began to cross off items on the to-do list. It feels good to be productive, and if you're a business owner time is money. Your angels can help you be very effective with your time!
4. Creating a business plan in alignment with your life purpose
As you tune in to your guidance more and more, you'll find that some activities and projects really resonate with you, and others don't. If you are not used to letting your intuition guide you, you might be in a job that makes you unhappy. You've made your decisions based on what others said, or what you thought you "should" do.
But your angels can help you know the job/career or business that will make you both happy and rich! Your angels aren't interested in money per se, they are interested in you being of service. If you're doing something just for the money, you'll feel a lack of spiritual backing. If you're doing something just for service and do it for free, you'll feel taken advantage of. Strike the perfect balance between service & financial reward and you are living a truly abundant life. That's what your angels can help you with!
I'll be going into all these topics and more in the BRAND NEW Angelic Business Secrets Telecourse. You'll get experience and tools to boost your spiritual success! Check it out. The Super-Early bird special ends this Saturday 24th April at Midnight! Plus, if you already have the Orientation Profile you can participate in the calls for just $197. Email me for details.
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Melissa Kitto, the Angel Guidance Coach, will show you how to tune in and communicate directly with your angels and experience the JOY of living your unique life purpose. Visit to receive your FREE Special Report, the 3 Secrets to Communicating with your Angels.
Article Source: the Original article
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